Benefits: This asana plays an important role in reducing obesity and pot belly. By doing this asana, the spinal cord will become more flexible. For women, it corrects irregular menstruation and cures all the diseases relating to monthly periods. This asana cures the problems relating to liver, spleen and sciatica. The legs and knees will be strengthened. Shrinking of spine will be stopped, so one will remain young by doing this asana. Needless to say, this asana cures diabetes, urinary problems and helps the functioning of the kidneys.
How to do it: Sit on a carpet and stretch out the legs. Now raise the hands upward while breathing in as shown in photograph 1. While breathing out, slowly bend forward and hold the toes with your hands. Knees should not be raised upwards. See photograph 2. Be in this position for a while. Now breathe out completely and take the stomach inside, bend forward and place your head in between the knees. See photograph 3. Be in this position for 10-20 seconds. Now breathe in while coming to the normal position. Relax in Savaasana.
One should remember that this asana is not as simple as its description. It should be practiced steadily and regularly. Within two to three weeks this can be done perfectly.

Chakara Asana
The word “Chakra” means wheel. In this asana, body assumes the shape of a wheel, so it is called Chakra asana.
Benefits: This is another important asana that keeps us young and energetic forever. The muscles of the spinal cord become flexible, strong and healthy. It removes the stiffness of the spine. Where stiffness is the sign of old age, by doing this asana regularly, aging can be delayed. Fat around the waist will be dissolved. Obesity can also be reduced. All types of disorders relating to stomach will be cured. Palms, calf muscles, knees thighs, waist, back, arms and other parts of the body will become strong, healthy and get activated.
How to do it: Lie on your back on a carpet. Bend your legs at knees and bring the heels nearer to the hips and place the hands as shown in photograph 4. Now have a deep breath and raise the body upwards and hang the head down, so that the weight of the body resets on the hands and legs as shown in the photograph. Be in this position for five seconds in the early stages of practice, and raise the duration up to 15-20 seconds. Repeat if you con. Relax in Savaasana.
One should keep in mind that both Paschimottana asana and Chakra asana should be done very carefully.