Quotes: The only thing that stands in the way of your spiritual realization is your own mind or the ego. It is precisely in order to see that this obstacle is removed, and that one reaches the precious goal of human life that one comes to yoga.
Serve. Love. Give. Purify. Meditate. This is the central teaching. Make a firm determination to uproot selfishness. If each individual tries to fulfill the dictates of yoga in the fullest possible manner with perseverance and determination, then the declaration that man’s nature is Satchidananda will come out of the book and illuminate you in actual experience. You will be an ocean of bliss.
The path of Love is the right royal road that leads to the abode of immortality and eternal bliss- where time cannot exercise its destructive power, where illusion cannot show its face. Love is the clear and open way to God.
There is no virtue higher than Love; there is no treasure higher than Love; there is no knowledge higher than Love; there is no path higher than Love; there is no religion higher than Love. Because love is truth, love is God. This world has come out of Love, this world exists in Love, and this world ultimately dissolves in Love.
Take a broad view of things. Ignore the faults of others. Joyfully bear with the eccentricities of other people. Be great and noble minded in whatever you do.
Consider no one inferior to you. Praise others. See good in all. Treat the lowliest creatures with respect.
Bear insult patiently. Calmly bear injury, suffering, failures and disrespect. Do not be elated by praise, pleasure, success and honor.
Every moment remember that death awaits you. Never fail to fulfill your duties.
DO IT NOW-not tomorrow or the day after, but now itself. Opportunities come and go. Be vigilant. Use every opportunity for service. Don’t wait for something to come your way. Create opportunities for service. Be aggressive in doing good.
Don’t run after the shadowy toys of name and fame. Name and fame are illusions. They are mere vibrations in the air. Nobody can earn an everlasting name in the Maya plane. Care for the everlasting Reality only.
Give, give and give. This is the secret of abundance. Share what you have with others. Don’t be miserly. Delight in the joys of others.
Become a person of high moral principles. Live a life of righteousness. Its sweet fragrance will be all around you.
Realize the infinite bliss. You are born for higher things. A glorious brilliant future is awaiting you. Do not think of the past. Purify. Concentrate. Reflect. Meditate. March forward. Find thy rest in the Supreme Soul.
The Lord is everywhere. Feel His presence everywhere. His eyes belong to everything. His hands protect all. Trust in him. Take refuge in His sweet name. You need not despair. You need not be afraid of anything.
In this way you will march through the gates of immortality into the kingdom of God. You will achieve great success in this life.
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