Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yoga Practice in Time For More Effective

Yoga Practice in Time For More Effective
In order to do yoga in more effective manner, here are some of the points to remember for practice
1. Set time and time duration for doing yoga either in the morning or evening or both in a routine way
2. Strictly do it in time

3. Initially set in order of minutes then increase the time duration

4. Avoid any other work while doing yoga

5. At convenient time you do the yoga, so that no disturbance affect your yoga practice

If you practice it regularly, you will find the difference and improvements in our health as well as our activity in one or two week time duration itself


Ahmad Hassan said...

I love Yoga, and i feel good when i practice it , every one should practice it .



Yokara said...

This is the feel i am also getting while i am doing yoga

Anonymous said...

This is a great resource. I shall share this with my colleagues at school and the neighbouring primary school.
Yoga schools

L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

I find 4 very strange. While getting into all those tough postures what else can I do? Obviously if you are advising people not to do other things there must be things people can do? What are they?