File1: KriyaYoga
File2: yoga for men
File3: SwaraYoga
File4: kundaliniYoga
File5: yogapostures
File6: Rajayoga
File7: sahajaYoga
This blog includes contents related with yoga, asanas, postures, exercises, tips, yoga articles
Prevent Heart problem A story
This is e-mail received from a person working in a Software Company Dear colleagues,
I am working in Blore Software City .... I wanted to sharean incident of my life with you, hoping that it may be an eye opener to youso that you can live more years.
On 27th October afternoon, I had severe heart attack symptom and I wasrushed to the hospital. After reaching to the hospital, the doctors prescribed a test calledangiogram.
This test is basically to identify blood flow of heart arteries.
When they finished the test they found a 94% block in the main artery,please see the image below with red circle.
At this point, I wanted to share my living style, which has caused thisblock in my heart arteries. Please see the below points of my life style,
ifany of these points are part of your life style then you are at risk, pleasechange yourselves.
1. I was not doing any physical exercise for more than 10 years , not evenwalking 30 minutes a day for years.
2. My food timings are 11:00 AM Breakfast or no Breakfast, 3:00 PM to4:00 PM Lunch and dinner at 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
3. Sleeping in very odd timings, going to bed between 12:00 AM and 3:00AM. Waking up at between 9:00 AM and 10:30AM ....... Some times spendingsleepless nights.
4. I used to eat heavily because of long gaps between lunch and dinnerand I used to make sure that Non-Veg is available most of the time, therewere times when I did survey on city hotels to find delicious Non-Veg dishesI was never interested in vegetable and healthier food.
5. Above all I was chain smoker from years.
6. My father passed away due to heart problems, and the doctors say theheart problems are usually genetic.
Once they identified the major block they have done immediately a procedurecalled angioplasty along with 2 Stints, mean they will insert a foreign bodyinto the heart arteries and open the blocked area of arteries. Please seethe below image after the procedure.
I learnt from the doctors that 60% people will die before reaching thehospital,20% people will die in the process of recovering from heart attackand only 20% will survive . In my case, I was very lucky to be part of thelast 20%.
Doctors instructions:
1. Need to have physical exercise for minimum of 45 minutes daily.
2. Eat your food at perfect timings, like how you eat during your schooldays. Eat in small quantities more times and have lot of vegetables andboiled food, try to avoid fry items and oily food. Fish is good than othernon-vegetarian food.
3. Sleep for 8 hours a day, this count should complete before sun rising.
4. Stop smoking.
5. Genetic problems, we cannot avoid but we can get away from it by havingregular checkups.
6. Find a way to get relived from the stress (Yoga, Meditation etc).
So I urge you all to please avoid getting into this situation, it is in yourhands to turn the situation up side down, by just planning changing yourlife style, by following simple points above.
If you find it's useful youcan forward this mail to your friends and loved ones.....
Japa is the repetition of any Mantra or Name of the Lord. In this Iron Age, Japa is an easy way for God realisation. Tukaram,Prahlada, Valmiki, Dhruva and several others attained salvation by Japa alone. Sri Krishna says in the Gita, Yajnanam Japa Yajnosmi. “Among the Yajnas, I am Japa Yajna Yaga”.
There are three kinds of Japa, viz., verbal or loud Japa Vaikhari, semi-verbal Japa or humming (Upamsu), and mental Japa or silent repetition through mind (Manasic). Mental Japa is more powerful. It gives a reward ten thousand times more than loud Japa.
Japa must become habitual. It must be done with Sattvic or divine Bhava or feeling, purity, Prema and Sraddha. There is an indescribable power or sakti in the Names of God or Mantra. Every Name is filled with countless Saktis or Potencies.
Practice of Japa removes the impurities of the mind, just as soap cleanses the cloth of its impurities. Be regular in your Japa. Japa destroys the sins and brings the devotee face to face with God.
The Name of God chanted correctly or incorrectly, knowingly or unknowingly, carefully or carelessly, with Bhava or without Bhava is sure to give the desired fruit. The Bhava will come by itself after sometime. Get up at 4 am and do the Japa for two hours. You will get the maximum benefits.
The glory of the Name of God cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can certainly be experienced or realized only through devotion, faith and constant repetition of the Name. Have reverence and faith for the name of God. Don’t argue.
Devoties of Lord Hari can repeat the Mantras ‘Hari Om’ or ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’. Devotees of Sri Rama can repeat ‘Sri Rama’, or ‘Sitaram’, or ‘Om Sri Ram, Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram’. Devotees of Sri Krishna can repeat ‘Om Namo Bhagavatee Vasudevaya’. Devotees of Lord Siva can repeat ‘Om Namah Sivaya’ .Perform twohundred Malas of Japa daily. Wear a Mala on your neck. Mala is a whip to goal the mind towards God. O man! Take refuge in the Name. Nama and Nami are inseparable. In this Iron Age, Japa is the easiest, quickest, safest and surest way to reach God and attain immortality and perennial joy. Glory to the Lord! Glory to His Name
Benefits of Yoga
Physical Benefits of Yoga
*Improved balance
*Increased strength and muscle tone
*Improved circulation
*Improved flexibility
*Reduced blood pressure
*Improved digestion
Mental Benefits of Yoga
*Reduced stress
*Reduced anxiety and depression
*Improved overall mood
*Reduced anger and tension
*Increased self acceptance
Spiritual Benefits of Yoga
*Interconnected feeling with others
Place a picture of Lord Jesus in front of you. Sit in your favourite meditative pose. Concentrate gently with open eyes on the picture till tears trickle down your cheeks. Rotate the mind on the cross, on the chest, long hairs, beautiful beard, round eyes, and the various limbs of his body; and the fine spiritual aura emanating from his head, and so on. Think of the divine attributes such as love, magnanimity, mercy and forbearence. Think of the various phases of his interesting life and the ‘miracles’ he performed and the various ‘extraordinary’ powers he possessed. Then close your eyes and try to visualise the picture. Repeat the same process again and again.
Place a picture of Lord Hari in front of you. Sit again in your meditative posture. Concentrate gently on the picture till you shed tears. Rotate the mind on His feet, legs, yellow silken robes, golden garland set with diamonds, Koustabha gem, etc., on the chest, the earrings, then the face, the crown of the head, the discus on the right upper hand, the conch on the left upper hand, the mace on the right lower hand, and the lotus flower on the left lower hand. Then close the eyes and try to visualise the picture. Repeat the same process again and again.
Keep a picture of Lord Krishna with flute in hands in front of you.Sit in your meditative pose and gently concentrate on the picture till you shed tears. Think of his feet adorned with anklets, yellow garment, various ornaments round His necklace set with the Koustabha gem, the long garland of beautiful flowers of various colours, earrings, crown set with the precious jewels of priceless value, dark amd long hairs, sparkling eyes, the tilaka in the forehead, the magnetic aura round His head, long hands adorned with bracelets and armlets, and the flute in the hands ready to be played upon. Then close your eyes and visualise the picture. Repeat the same process again and again.
This is one kind of meditation for beginners. Sit on Padmasana in your meditation room. Close your eyes. Meditate on the effulgence in the sun, or the splendour in the moon or the glory in the stars.
Meditate on the magnanimity of the ocean and its infinite nature. Then compare the ocean to the infinite Brahman, and the waves, foams and icebergs to the various names and forms. Identify yourself with the ocean. Become silent. Expand. Expand.
This is another kind of meditation. Meditate on the Himalayas. Imagine that the Ganges takes its origin in the icy regions of Gangotri near Uttarakasi flows through Rishikesh, Hardwar, Benaras, and then enters into the Bay of Bengal near Gangasagar. Himalayas, Ganges and the Sea – these three thoughts only should occupy your mind. First take your mind to the icy regions of Gangotri, then along the Ganges and finally to the Sea. Rotate the mind in this manner for ten minutes.
There is a living Universal Power that underlies all these names and forms. Meditate on this Power which is formless. This will terminate in the realisation of the Absolute, Nirguna, Nirakara (formless) Consciousness.
This is an exercise which provides total relaxation to the body and its importance cannot be stressed too much. Too much force should not be used while doing the exercises. Excessive panting or pain is to be avoided.
How to do: Lie on your back relaxing all the parts of the body. Legs should be parted and palms kept open, facing upwards,closing eyes. Concentrate on the legs and relax their muscles. Gradually, shift attention to the parts above the legs and relax each of them as also the facial muscles.Feeling of relaxation is obtained as you concentrate on various parts of the body.Make an auto-suggestion that you are relaxing and relaxing.In course of time, the whole body lies in a state of total relaxation and mind experiences rest.A remedy for B.P.,insomnia,etc.You may remain in this posture for as much time as you need to.
Keep in mind that inhaling and exhaling should be gradual and breathing should be through the nose
Lie down on your stomach. Chin should touch the ground and legs close to each other.
Bend your knees and grab the ankles with each hand.
Inhale deeply and raise the knees, head and chest from the ground as shown in picture.The spine is arched backewards like a boat.Rest on the abdomen and look up.Elbows must be kept and bent. After a while, exhale slowly to reach the earlier position. Repeat this seven times.
This is a must for all those who lead a sedentary living. The asana is the best antidote for the dreaded paunch which is the bane of many. While doing Dhanurasana , the entire weight of the body is felt at the stomach. It not only strengthens the abdomen but all parts of the body. Patients of piles will benefit from this and so will women who have irregular periods and diseases of the uterus. Helps to remove gastro intestinal disorders; digestion improves.
Yoga is a subject in the text of ancient Indian medical sciences, which deals with body as well as mind. Yoga is a detailed concept inclusive of Suryanamaskara, asanas, pranayama, besides yama, niyama, dharana ect. Among all, Suryanamaskara is a set of 12 comprehensive asanas which offers a sound health and suits to all, irespective of sex, age, caste and religion.
It is necessary to understand that suryanamaskara does not relate to a particular religion. It is just like air and water. The sun is a Universal property and it is the privilege that everybody can make use of in a better way. Suryanamaskara is a complete exercise which consists of 12 kriyas that keeps the body and the mind healthy. Suryanamaskara can be practiced by everybody, regularly and gradually. For any exercise continuity and regularity are the essence and suryanamaskara is no exception to this principle.
Position 8:
Exhale; Raise the hips. Drop the head between the arms; Stretch the heels towards floor (“Inverted-V” position).
Position 9:
Inhale; Bring the right foot forward between the hands (fingers and toes in line). Drop the left knee to the floor and stretch the head up (same as position 4).
Position 10:
Exhale; bring the left leg forward next to the right leg. Keep the hips up as high as possible and bring the forehead in towards the knees (same as position 3).
Position 11:
Inhale; Stretch up. Bring the arms straight up over the head and arch back (same as position 2).
Position 12:
Exhale; drop the arms down next to sides and relax, (same as starting position).